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At 12:00 on Sept. 30, the Taipei Water Department issued a "Dam Water Release Alert" warning notice for Zhitan Dam.

Due to the increased flow of the upstream river, the Zhitan Dam of the Taipei Water Department has been adjusting the dam level by releasing about 500 cubic meters per second since 13:00 on Sept. 30, 2024 (Monday). The rate of the water release is adjusted according to the flow rate of the upstream river. People living in the area downstream of Zhitan Dam and along the Xindian River (including Taipei City and New Taipei City) should pay attention and stay away from the river banks for safety.

In addition to the water release broadcast along the Xindian River, the "Disaster Alert Cell Broadcast Service" operated by the Office of Disaster Management of the Executive Yuan was also used to simultaneously broadcast a "Dam Water Release Alert" notification, which sent one SMS message in both English and Chinese.

The contents of the notification message are as follows:

[水庫放水警戒]北水處直潭壩因上游河川流量增加,自09月30日13時00分增加調節性放流,請直潭壩下游及新店溪沿岸民眾注意並遠離河床,以策安全。Zhitan Dam will discharge at 13:00 on 09/30. Please keep away from Xindian River.臺北自來水事業處TWD 02-87335678